November 25, 2008

Birthday Gift

I had just remembered to post this story after one of my blogging friend, MG - posted about a piano she has as a present from her hubby. I should have to post this 3 months ago actually, but I think this is a blog for kids :)

On August this year I was very surprised to get a special and funniest birthday present I ever had from hubby. Guess what?? A mini electric tire inflator! I was giggling and also the kids….
There was a grand opening of a new hardware store in town at that moment, he was browsing there and found it for me. He said, at first he want to give me a blouse (we saw a beautiful one at a shopping mall before) but he thought I would more need that tire inflator while he was away. Kids’ tires bikes flat, my car’s tire flat…. I could pump by myself, no need somebody else’s help.

While the time goes by (hubby is still with us now, his visa affair hasn’t clear yet) I found that my 2 boys really interested in that tire inflator. Its mini sized and no need hand pumping really made them easier to pump their own tires’ bikes. I, myself, hasn’t get a chance to try it because whenever there’s a tire flat three of them (including my hubby!) would be the first to do it happily (for me ) haha….

So far, that was the funniest memorable birthday gift I ever had from my beloved hubby. Thank you so much, honey…


Mom Knows Everything said...

We have one of those, they are really handy.

Nisa-mom said...

heheheh.. good gadget !

btw happy belate b'day for hubby ya Hen..semoga selalu sehat dan rejeki ngalir lancar..

Monica said...

We have one of those too. We have to patch or replace one of the back tires on the car, so we have used it a lot lately. Very handy thing to have for car emergencies!

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a useful and very practical gift. It must be handy to have one at home.