November 07, 2008

New Wallpaper

I had just made a small renovation, to the classroom’s wall. Next month I’ve planned to open a new class for toddler. Not finished yet.. but at least with the new wallpaper the room has a new color.


Nisa-mom said...

cute wallpapper..! semoga sukses dengan kelas baru nya ya Hen, ternyata looh.. berbakat jadi guru.
*jadi inget jaman kecil dulu*

Anonymous said...

aku gak jadi gurunya kok, Fit. Soalnya aku cuma betah "ngurusin" anak kalo dia lagi baek2 aja kondisinya, gak pake nangis, rewel, muntah....haha....curang ya?! Guru ku disini ada 8, masih muda2 dan sabar2 banget ya sama anak kecil...sampe suka heran. Bukan anaknya sih ya...jadi sabar deh :)

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a nice wallpaper. I like the cute border. I'm sure the kids will appreciate it.

Mumsgather said...

The wallpaper is lovely. It brightens and cheers up the room. :)