April 28, 2008

Play Dough Problem

I know that play dough is very good to little kids because it will stimulate their sensory motor skill, imagination and creativity. My kids and I love to see many kinds of play dough at the toys department when we're at the mall. My kids already have 2 sets at home, but often I tempted to buy another kind of play dough set until I remember ....it would never be easy to clean up the messy after playing when the room was full of scattered dough everywhere. Although I always give a big tray and tell the kids to play only at one place (so the dough wouldn't scattered), but it never works....
The messy would happened again and again.
My fussiness of reminding them for not mix the dough together, like red dough should go to the red box, don't mix yellow with green, etc...blah, blah..never reached the point.

Like the first problem, this one almost has the same ending, never go to a better solution. After a week or two the dough that was first has a bright and cute color become one tone dull color! I usually fell resentful to see that.
The kids also didn't have the same enthusiasm anymore like the first they've got when they play again with all the dough that has now one tone dull color.

What about you and the kids? Happened the same play dough problem with me?


Mumsgather said...

Hahaha. Yes, I certainly have the same problem. Now I bought the ones in the little tub and make them sort the colors and put back in the tub. Its working so far.... Previously all I saw was one blackish grey goey thing after they're done!

Anonymous said...

Good, maybe I should duplicate your idea MG!