May 19, 2008

Fun With "the Volcano"

On this semester the kids at K1 and K2 made an experiment of “Volcano Eruption’. They really got fun of it. Here are the pictures…

If you like to do it by your own with the kids at home on weekend, these are step by step how to do that exciting experiment.

1.Prepare 1 big plastic bowl, 2 table spoons of soda powder for cakes, a bottle that has small lid, water, red color for food and white sand beach to fill ½ half of the bowl.
Besides take away the sand from the beach, I could buy the white sand beach in the art supply store here. I recommended for white sand only since its color could make striking difference color with the red lava later.
2.Fill ¾ of the bottle with water and drop a few of red color food to make “red lava”
3.Put the bottle in the middle of the bowl, covered it with all white sand. Then form the sand like a volcano. Try to make its small lid has the same level with the sand, but be careful, don’t let the sand go into the bottle.
4.After that, tell the kids about ‘the volcano’, why it could erupt and how does it works when it get eruption.
5.Put in all together the soda powder for cakes to the bottle. Wait for a moment and then you’ll see “the red lava” comes out from the lid of the bottle.

That’s all you need. You’ll see your kids’ enthusiasm and how exciting they are. So, learn about science could always be fun after all !

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