September 05, 2008

Violin Practicing Trick

My daughter wants to take her grade 2 exam in violin class next month. Her teacher, -a Balinese lady- had told me that my daughter should practice her lessons more often at home. Since the examiner would come from the head office of ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) London so she should be serious this time.

We both know that Natalie is typically a so-relaxed-girl. She usually ‘runs’ (if she thinks she need to) at the last minutes. She do love violin but for practicing she doesn’t have a routine schedule. It’s a little bit dangerous I think, because I believe the routines in practicing and discipline are more important than talented in improving somebody’s skill.

So last month her teacher and I got a trick for her. I should sign in a practicing card every time she had got her practice at home. Her teacher said to her (like other kids, she would listen to her teacher MORE than to me) she should practice everyday for 30 minutes and she has to bring the card every time she take the violin class. The trick has already set for 3 weeks now and so far it works well. Natalie does her practice voluntary and she did good progress. It means our trick is succeeded.

Last night to add spirit for her in doing this practice, I told her if she could play one of her song good without too much mistaken then I would give her some money as a present. She could buy anything she wants. Actually it’s not much, about 1,2 U$ but she was happy. Finally she did it and got her present. You know what she’s doing with her money?? She went this afternoon with her brother to a nearby public internet booth to play Gaia Online for an hour. Well, I had promised before…

Have you ever made such kind of trick for your kids? I would be glad if you want to share…


Mom Knows Everything said...

More time on the computer always works with Aurora and chocolate works with Aidan.

Shelly G said...

I like the idea for making a practice card that she takes with her... very smart way to keep track :)

ellen said...

A practice card seem so good. I'll bet that she will play beautifully. I have a grandson who is learning to play the cello.
Take care, Henny.

Anonymous said...

it seems we always need to 'push' our kids with something they like most as a "present" to make them do their "job" better and better :)

I thought why haven't I taken that trick since the first year she take her violin lesson..So far the card seems so good for her.

Cello ? Wow, I always enjoy and love to see someone playing it. Beautiful to me! haha...