January 12, 2009

His Special Prayer

I usually read bedtime story for Ian. I often asked him to pray before sleeping. Here’s his ‘usual’ prayer at most of the nights :
“God I want to go home soon. Please guide and protect me in my way home. Thank you God, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”

I had ever said this to him couple of times,
“I think that’s a pray for going home, Ian.”
“I know, but I love that prayer. At my school I pray like that.”
“Ok”, I finally gave up.

Tonight.. to my surprised he said like this after his bedtime story :
“Ma, I won’t say my ‘after school pray’ tonight.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, listen. I want to pray.
“God I want to sleep soon. Please guide and protect me in my way to sleep. Thank you God, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”

I almost laugh at that time. He only changed the word ‘home’ with ‘sleep’. Oh kid, kid…


Heart of Rachel said...

That's cute. My son also surprises me with his prayers. He likes to add some of his personal experiences for the day and tells God about it.

Monica said...

That is so cute indeed..and very clever!

ellen said...

You have always known he was very smart!
Sending you goodnight prayers, one and all...although it may be noon there.
Here is one of my favorite prayers:
God bless all those that I love,
God bless all those that love me,
God bless all those that love those that love I love,
And God bless all those that love those that love me..
Whoo, I hope that I got that right! I cannot type worth a darn.
But you get the message..it pretty much covers one and all.
Bless you, Henny.