July 23, 2009

When everybody get sick

I've never been through such an 'experience' like this before, along my journey as a mom for 3 kids. Three of them were sick together at the same time! Actually it was not a 'bad' disease, just common flu, but this time all of them get fever, bad cough and nauseous. Really terrible.. especially when I haven't had hubby around with us.

The long of their absences from school were variate, the oldest had 3 days, the middle just 1 day and the little one 2 days.
There was one day when they're together at home. All I heard from them:
"Ma, I get terrible dizzy" (while crying),
"Ma, I had thrown up at the bed"(this is the most I hate it, clean up the mess after),
"Ma, I can't breath"(this is not a real "can't breath", just because he got asthma too so he couldn't breath comfortably).
I almost just couldn't stand to hear all that together in the same minutes.

Well, after all .. when this would be happen again, I know what I have to do, in a better way...
I remember one nice quote about health, " We only really know and understand about health if we ever get sick". That's true!


ellen said...

Henny...sorry to be so absent lately. It's been very busy around here, but I have been thinking about you.
I am sorry the kids have all been sick, all at the same time!!! It's exhausting for everyone....glad they are feeling better.
You have had your hands full! Happy Birthday to Ian and such a transition for you and your daughter. They grow up so quickly, don't they?

Nisa-mom said...

samaaaaaaaa.. lama ga nongol disini .. maaf ya Hen.. semoga semua sehat selalu..