November 30, 2008

"Santa Gift"

Today is the last day for me to collect the “Santa’s” gift for my little boy at school.
I want to buy him a backpack with wheels beneath so he can also pull his back pack when he feel heavy to carry ii (actually I heard him saying his wishes in his prayer couple of nights ago). For 2 days I’ve been looking for it but can’t find yet the best for him. Hope today I can make it before pick him up from school….
Oh, gift, gift for kids …sometimes make me a little headache to choose.

November 25, 2008

Birthday Gift

I had just remembered to post this story after one of my blogging friend, MG - posted about a piano she has as a present from her hubby. I should have to post this 3 months ago actually, but I think this is a blog for kids :)

On August this year I was very surprised to get a special and funniest birthday present I ever had from hubby. Guess what?? A mini electric tire inflator! I was giggling and also the kids….
There was a grand opening of a new hardware store in town at that moment, he was browsing there and found it for me. He said, at first he want to give me a blouse (we saw a beautiful one at a shopping mall before) but he thought I would more need that tire inflator while he was away. Kids’ tires bikes flat, my car’s tire flat…. I could pump by myself, no need somebody else’s help.

While the time goes by (hubby is still with us now, his visa affair hasn’t clear yet) I found that my 2 boys really interested in that tire inflator. Its mini sized and no need hand pumping really made them easier to pump their own tires’ bikes. I, myself, hasn’t get a chance to try it because whenever there’s a tire flat three of them (including my hubby!) would be the first to do it happily (for me ) haha….

So far, that was the funniest memorable birthday gift I ever had from my beloved hubby. Thank you so much, honey…

November 23, 2008

Soo...early !

Yesterday on Sunday was great. We all went to church at 6.40 while the mass started on 7 am. I think this is the first time we went to the church sooo… early without any rush! A little bit surprised…Usually no matter hard we try to attend the morning mass we’re always late. Finally we ended up in the afternoon mass or didn’t make it at all. Terrible eh?!

Always the kids who wake up late, or have breakfast late, or take a bath late too….. I wonder why always me who always busy wake everyone up and prepare everything when we want to go early in the morning. This often happened , when all of the kids were neat and ready to go, then I was the one who sweaty and feel in a mess, really want to take a morning bath again to refresh myself … :)
Is this happened to you too, hey..moms ?

November 18, 2008

Telling About SANTA

Yesterday Ian’s teacher send me an announcement letter about the coming of “Santa” at his preschool on Dec.5.
Parents have to contribute Rp 30.000,- (about U$ 3) for taking kids pictures with Santa, snacks and souvenir. We should buy a Christmas present too for our kids and collect to the school administrative office at the late of Nov.29 with a special footnote “between 9 – 11 am”, it means when the kids are in the classroom so they won’t know :).

I remember my 2 older kids believe that Santa is real and give presents to all good kids until they’re 9, aged 10 they started to tell me that, “Ma, my friend said Santa is not real. He doesn’t give me present but you”, still they ½ believe of Santa. I just said, “No matter what your friend had told you, if you believe Santa is real, so listen to your heart. Be a good kid this year.” Then my hubby add this statement: ”If you’re not believe it anymore maybe he wouldn’t give you present.” haha….

Between aged 11-12 they started suspicious. This year .. oh no, I don’t think they still believe Santa’s present anymore. They’re now 12 and 13 and knowing the truth story. But both of them are good, had never told their young brother about “the real Santa’s present” even though I don’t tell them to do so. I just like to keep the spirit of Santa stay in my kids’ heart forever.

What about you and the kids? On what aged do you tell them that Santa is not real or they know by themselves(like the way I did)?

November 13, 2008

Cheating or What?

One afternoon there was a call phone for my boy from his classmate. After a short conversation then my boy told me something that had made me surprised, amazed, worried and felt sorry –mix together- for his friend.

My boy (B): Can you guess what my friend asked me, Ma?
Me (M) : What? Did he ask about homework?
B: Yes, and he also asked me if I want to do the math homework assignment for him…he want to pay me Rp 5000,-
M: Hah ??? Oh, my goodness…then what did your answer?
B: Of course, I won’t.
M: (mommy felt a great relief, thanks goodness)
B: By the way, one of my friends was suspended last week when my math teacher knew he had given his answer sheet to my other friend who sits behind him.
M: (then mommy said blah, blah, blah…. to her son about honesty, cheating and helping friends.)

Long after that conversation I still think about this matter. It’s really scary for me as a mom. The boy is only 11 or 12 years old and still in 7th grade, but how could he think like that? Is it cheating or more seriously than that... I wonder what would he be in the future if he keep going like that…maybe my boy’s friend really need a help in math and his parents busy working and don’t have time to teach him or..maybe he’s a kind of kid that usually spoiled by money and fancy stuff so he think ‘money could buy everything’ or maybe … people around him used to show a "short cut way" to make easier in getting something. I don’t know…
At first I want to make a call to his mom and told about this, but then I realized was it a right way to do… I don’t know anything about his parents and family. I worried his mom could have different perspective.
Sometimes I feel worried and scary to see what kids could do in this era …

November 08, 2008

Worried, Worried....

Nowadays the kids and I are a little worried that in the middle of this month we’re going to live in this country without his presence among us. My hubby got scholarship from the government to continue his study to the Netherlands for approximately 1 year. Actually he had planned his departure tomorrow but since he hasn’t get his visa yet so there isn’t fixed date for it. For us maybe it’s just like blessing in disguise.. we’re having more left days together with him.

Deep in my heart I think I’m the one –not my kids- who’s the worries people at home to faced the days without him. We never had separated family life before. I couldn’t imagine I should fix every small troubled thing at home by myself and about the kids… also I should taking care all 3 of them without too much negative emotion such like snap at them, get angry…. OMG, I tell you they always know for sure how to get on each others nerves.

I’m not sure what I’ll have for those days….So many things crowded on my mind.
Would I get more stressed or would I become a competent mom..
Would all of us just be fine …
Would my hubby be fine to cope with his life there ....
Oh… so many ..

I’m really glad and appreciate if some of you have ever had such an experience like this in the family, and could share with me.

November 07, 2008

New Wallpaper

I had just made a small renovation, to the classroom’s wall. Next month I’ve planned to open a new class for toddler. Not finished yet.. but at least with the new wallpaper the room has a new color.

Getting Better

This weekend is going to be better than last weekend. All of us is getting better. Only Ian and I do little cough once a while. For the last two days the rhythm of our schedules seems to get normal again.
Oh, even I really miss to write here, but after a week without writing anything I don’t really know what to write..Lol!
Let me think first just a few minutes….

November 01, 2008

Miserable Weekend

This weekend we all stay at home. Everybody is sick. First was my daughter who gets cough and fever and then my hubby the next day. After that the boys and finally end up with me. It seems the virus only moving to each of us everyday.

Not much I could do for them this time. Only make chicken porridge or warm lemon tea with honey.

Oh… this is not good at all, but like as always… when our beloved people is getting sick, I feel that I love them more than before :)

Hope your weekend is great, better than me.