For the last 2 years I've tried to take 3 of them to a photo studio. It always begin with different reponses, the big girl said ', Ma', the youngest said 'yipee...', the middle said ' what should I wear?'. It always become an unforgettable moment seeing their poses captured on film in a studio and heard the photographer's comments in trying to make a unique and natural posture of them.
The moment after the picture has already printed ... always become an experience of looking them in picture with a big 'Wow' from the mom. They looked so beautiful to my eyes. Almost can't believe they're now bigger and different from last year pictures.
I smiled to myself when I remember the truth behind that perfect shot....
In the photo, these lovely children looks really though they never fight, yell or call each other bad words, as though they never kick or hide their sibling toys or stuff.
Ah, I wish they're as lovely as the photo described for each single day :)
but it's only my wish. I do enjoy and love every moment, good or bad with them. It's a treasure!!
This is their last year photo
And these are the new ones... see how different they are now!
April 21, 2009
Behind That Perfect Shot
April 11, 2009
My Little Reminder
I was laughing and felt a little bit ashamed yesterday when I said "Oh my God!!"
then my little boy aged 5 told me like this...
"Ma, it's not a polite way to say like that.
Mr.Steven (his Montessori teacher) said better we should say Omigosh than OmyGod."
Yup, he's definitely right. Thank you Ian for remind me...
I also hope you enjoy your Easter day with your family....
April 09, 2009
a TRicK for my GiRL
2 week ago I went to a parents' meeting at my girl's school to receive students mid semester report. She got 5,8 for math and 6 for computer science (here we have scale of 1 - 10 for school grade). Both of us were not happy with those grade.
I tried to punish her this time but in a 'good and fair way' (really not easy at all to find one!). I ever had to promise her something she really want if she have good grades in math, but didn't work. She's really an easy going person and doesn't like if we made a target like that. Not single of gift could move her motivation to get better in math although I knew if she tried a little bit hard then she could. It really spins my head...
So last week I try different strategy. I cut off all her free time in front of our PC at home for 3 months until next July, her last semester. She could only use the PC (for an hour) only if she has at least 9 for every subject at school. 2 hours if she got 10. You know goodness it works!!! I'm happy for her.
Last week she showed me her grade of 10 for Geometry and she got 2 hours playing games online. Another day she came home with 9 for another subject.
Now I know the secret trick for her :)
Wow, kids are really unique..
Prizes for them could be vary so much!
April 05, 2009
Kissing My Teenage Girl
This week I have wonderful moments again with my daughter. I mean since my hubby was away, I feel we have better relationship to each other. She seldom to talk sarcasm words to me (you know, with a teenager we often find difficulties to talk to..) and maybe so do I. Haha....
In couple of nights she asked to sleep with me. Aah...I'm really glad. She's back to my little girl again for a while, but still I couldn't kiss and cuddle her anytime I want :)
Really, I want to ask you who have teenagers at home, do they really difficult to kissed by their own mom now? Sometimes when I finally could kiss her, I feel just like I have win a big lottery!!
So..for you who still have little girl/boy, kiss them a lot while they don't avoided.
Btw, I have an award from my childhood friend, Fitri. Our parents had a closed neighborhood relationship at that moment. I met her again in blogspot, isn't that amazing we could keep in touch again? Her blog is always full of yummy and easy recipe and also always full of awesome photos.
Thanks, Fitri :)