July 31, 2009

14 !!

Today I collect some of her pics and create a new album of hers in my flickr.
Amazing to see how she's growing up so fast from baby till now!

Happy birthday, Natalie.
I'm so thankful to have a daughter like you.
There's no other who could fill your shoes.
I love you very much!

July 23, 2009

When everybody get sick

I've never been through such an 'experience' like this before, along my journey as a mom for 3 kids. Three of them were sick together at the same time! Actually it was not a 'bad' disease, just common flu, but this time all of them get fever, bad cough and nauseous. Really terrible.. especially when I haven't had hubby around with us.

The long of their absences from school were variate, the oldest had 3 days, the middle just 1 day and the little one 2 days.
There was one day when they're together at home. All I heard from them:
"Ma, I get terrible dizzy" (while crying),
"Ma, I had thrown up at the bed"(this is the most I hate it, clean up the mess after),
"Ma, I can't breath"(this is not a real "can't breath", just because he got asthma too so he couldn't breath comfortably).
I almost just couldn't stand to hear all that together in the same minutes.

Well, after all .. when this would be happen again, I know what I have to do, in a better way...
I remember one nice quote about health, " We only really know and understand about health if we ever get sick". That's true!

She's a young "woman" now!

My girl (almost 14 in couple of days) is now a young "woman"!
Not a real woman like we adult think, I mean today she's having her first period..
I have prepared my self and especially her in facing this 'day'. From books, discusion, etc.
So far I see our "preparation" going well ...this morning she just told me in a 'cool' way like this : "Ma, I think I've got my first period last night".
There's no panic (even a little bit) in her voice, life seems usual for her.

Different with me, her mom...
"Are you ok?...Let's find new special panties or you could use mine first. It's ok...You should wear a little bit tight panties so the pantyliner would stay perfect, oh yes...don't forget to peel off the wings, attached to your outside panty....etc, etc..."

Btw, I'm thinking about giving her kind of little sweet present, just for remembering this special day.
What a perfect gift do you think?

July 16, 2009

You're Special !

Yesterday was Ian's first day on elementary. We both excited about thinking of his new school, new friends, new teachers. Because it was his first day then I accompanied him to his new class. Nice classroom filled with 21 kids with 2 teachers.
Lucky of me that Ian is a quite independent boy, also has good self confidence. He always brave and excited about new things. I think this good basic behavior comes most from his Montessori education at preschool.

At noon when I picked him up, I saw a little red button pin on his white shirt.
"The teacher gave this button to all of us" , he said.
I just love the word on it....

This is really a good start for every kid for encouragement and knowing they're special. Love it!
Good luck Ian with your new journey into this whole new experiences. I do hope you'll always love to learn along the way and love LiFE!

July 03, 2009

He's 6 now!

Today is Ian's birthday.
Gosh, finally he turns 6 now...
As my experiences in parenting with the 2 of my other kids, we're going to go through the new chapter of our journey with Ian. For me 6 is a year of transition, from a world full of tickle, kissing and cuddle to a new world of young boy!
This mid of July he also start his elementary school. Really, this year would be something really special for him and ME :)

You know what he said to me yesterday?
"Ma, I don't want a birthday cake today. Just simply buy me a candle then I blow up.
After wait for so many days, I feel this day is just like usual day. I don't want my birthday today, I want it next year."

Oo...I know he's a little bit sad because his dad is not home. He also didn't want to answer his dad's birthday wishes by phone this morning. I thought he miss him a lot.
But lately he asked this :
"Ma, I want a birthday cake then, but not so big, just a tiny one, ok?
I want to blow the candle and celebrate at grandpa's home tomorrow. So, my birthday not today, but tomorrow>"

Love you Ian...
Let's celebrate your birthday tomorrow, honey :)

July 01, 2009

This time is much better!

Yesterday was my husband's second departure to Holland after having a 1 month vacation here with us. This time is much better! I accompanied him to the airport with the little one, having great and fun conversation while driving because we both focus on talking about our next Christmas or New Year vacation after he finish his study and going back home for good on December.

Look at myself and the kids...no crying at all! Well, a little bit sad... it's ok and normal I think, but now we're more 'confident' with ourselves about walk on our daily life without him.
I remember 6 months ago at his first departure, I was crying in silent and didn't dare enough to accompany him to the airport for saying goodbye. He just took a taxi from home.

I do learn a lot along the way without him at home and so the kids.
Now finally I could be grateful for this chance.