February 25, 2009

He told a lie...

Yesterday my boy had a school's field trip with all his classmates. They went to 2 places, first to a groceries store and then to a small post office. From his story after that, I knew that they had to learn in buying and counting their money at the groceries store. At the post office each of them sent a letter to one of their friend,also had to learn how to make a line, buy and attached stamps(parents should give them Rp 30.000 -about U$2,5- for that purposes.

I had reminded him not to buy bubble gum or candy when he was shopping. When I picked him up at school and saw what things he had bought... I was amazed. He bought 2 oranges, a bottle of chocolate milk, a cup of fruit yoghurt and oreo. Smart boy, I said to him. Instantly he said, "I didn't buy bubble gum, Ma". "Good then", I said.

After we arrived at home and I unpacked his plastic grocery's bag, I found a small receipt paper. When I read the things he bought, you know what...aha, there was an item of bubble gum. Was he starting to lie? Well, I didn't angry at him, just say "if you really want it, you just ask me, no need to lie, ok?"

About the bubble gum, yes there's a rule between me and him, he could only chew it under my supervision. Maybe that's the reason why he was lying. He want to do by his own. I was just surprised...this is his first time to tell a lie.

Had you ever have this "first lie" experience with your little one? How could you handle it? I forgot how I managed with his 2 big brother and sister. It was a long time ago..

February 08, 2009

Children's Letters to God

I found this link to see all the content of "Children's Letters to God". If you have times please take a look at. So funny, insightful....

February 07, 2009

The Enrollment Test and My Boy's Elementary School

Last week was a busy week for me. Many things happened. The happiest one is when my boy past his enrollment test to the elementary school for the next semester. The sadness one when he got cough and flu again because of the weather, too much rain and windy. Thanks God, he'll get better this morning.

About the enrollment test, yes we have it here even when your kids want to go to the elementary for the first time. I don't think it's a best way for kids doing this test, but we-parents can't do much. All schools here have their own systems and seems the government is agree or at least doing nothing and don't have fix regulation about enrollment test for young child.

After waiting outside for about 1 1/2 hours when my boy took the test, I was curious about what the teacher asked or gave him for the test. As an almost 6 years old kid anywhere, he seemed not taking seriously about what just had happened to him (I was a little worried waiting him outside). He just told me he can do the test and he can write and answer teacher's questions in interview session. "What else?", I asked. "I forgot, mom.". Oh my....
Since I choose an English speaking school for him, so there's an interview in English.

Why I didn't choose a regular school for him?
Because for the mainly reason, at regular school teacher is a centered in class not the kids. Kids don't have enough space for explaining what their feelings or what his/her opinion. Young kids' different opinion is not too respected by the teacher. If teacher say this or that, kids should follow...I don't like that kind of environment for studying, because I ever had once when I was kid. For almost 3 months I have been doing some research about this school from other parents that already had their kids there and I've got plenty of positive results, from the working sheets, books and teachers and many more. I trust parents more than the administrative officer of the school.
The other reasons are I want my boy speaks in 2 languages and the school gives more spaces for kids in exploring their writing skill without too much interfering in grammar or shape of the letter in their early years of school. Very different with the regular public school, kids who want to enter the elementary school should have had writing and reading skill very well.

Yesterday afternoon I visit a book store with the kids and found a small interesting books "Children's letters to God" by Stuart Hample. Many beautiful letters there with kid's versions of thinking about God with their own styles handwriting. No editing from the publisher at all because they said "we don't need to edit their writing or grammar because it's already beautifully that way...represent kids own way of thinking". Beautiful....